PNH400 Announces Official Program Partner Application Process

January 26, 2022

Portsmouth NH 400th, Inc. has finalized the application form for organizations planning events, projects and programs for the anniversary celebration in 2023 and invites those who are interested to submit their details. Once reviewed by the Portsmouth NH 400th, Inc. Management Team and assigned to one of the thematic Team Leaders, the Official Partner Programs will be listed on the calendar and will be authorized to use the PNH400 Official Partner logo.

The Executive Team has also finalized guidelines and logo brand standards for those who become Official Program Partners for the 400th.

The Task Force teams – all of which share the Portsmouth NH 400th goals and the thread of local history -- are organized around seven thematic pillars: Arts/Culture, Military/Maritime, Commerce/Trade, Education, Community/Neighborhoods, Legacy Projects and Signature Events. The PNH400 Team expects to stage three Signature Events in 2023. Local organizations, businesses, groups and interested individuals are encouraged to plan programs to help celebrate and support the goals, vision, mission and values of the 400th.

Those planning Portsmouth NH 400 programs should use the Official Program Application. The application process is intended to assist the PNH400 team to:

  • Keep track of events, projects and programs (including any fund-raising efforts in 2022)

  • Maintain a central calendar on the website

  • Connect organizations who seem to be working on similar themes and ideas

  • Coordinate fund-, fun- and friend-raising efforts

  • Coordinate marketing efforts

“Anyone seeking to be a Portsmouth NH 400 Official Program Partner should submit details through the online application form,” said Portsmouth NH 400, Inc. Managing Director Valerie Rochon. “Once approved, Official Program Partners will receive the Official Event Guidelines and Brand Standards and will be asked to confirm that they will abide by a few simple criteria that revolve around the goals and themes of the commemoration. Being an Official Program Partner does not include financial support.”

A PNH400 Program can be anything from a lecture or tour, to a full-scale event or program series. It might also be an existing event that incorporates the themes and goals of the Portsmouth NH 400 commemoration in the year 2023. All Official Programs will be included on the Portsmouth NH 400 Official Calendar linked to the website.

Interested applicants are asked to submit their information as soon as possible (no later than June 30, 2022), as the PNH400 marketing campaign starts early in 2022. For more information contact

The PNH400 Team also reminds the community they can make tax-deductible donations directly through the City’s secure online payment portal by clicking on the “Donate Now!” button at Donations may be made by electronic check (no fee) or by credit card (the 2.9% fee goes to the service provider and is not retained by the City). The portal accepts major credit cards, Venmo and PayPal. All donations to Portsmouth NH 400 through the City of Portsmouth portal are tax deductible to the extent the law allows.

About Portsmouth NH 400th, Inc. (

The goal of Portsmouth NH 400th Inc. is to give the community an inclusive opportunity to tell the stories that are important to them, through programs, events, exhibits and legacy projects. Portsmouth NH 400th will celebrate the diverse and animated social, political, intellectual, cultural, economic and spiritual history of Portsmouth from before settlement in 1623 to the present. Portsmouth NH 400th Inc. invites individuals and organizations considering programs and events for the Portsmouth NH 400th Anniversary celebration to join the collaborative effort. A key intention is for the Portsmouth NH 400th Inc. team to engage the next generation(s) in exploring what the City’s 2023 legacy might be and how they might steward Portsmouth and its history beyond 2023. 



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